Safe stay in Croatia WTTC
39th EADSVE Meeting|7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation|Tečajevi mehaničke ventilacije|44. Simpozij intenzivne medicine|X. Croatian-European-American Anesthesiology Conference|7th Croatian Congress of Microbiology|Croatian-European-American Anesthesiology Conference|Dani koagulacije|10th Conference of European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes|6. Hrvatski botani?ki simpozij|MARSTRUCT - 7th International Conference on Marine Structures|Power of microbes in industry and environment |Mitotic spindle: From Living and Synthetic Systems to Theory|Digitalization in Croatia: Drawing from International Experience - Land, Air and Maritime Autonomous Vehicles Regulation|Godišnji skup hrvatskog imunološkog društva|3. HRVATSKI KONGRES O ZBRINJAVANJU DIŠNOG PUTA|7th European Phycological Congress|3. hrvatski kongres DI|7th European Phycological Congress|NIV tečajevi, Slavonski Brod|ECMO tečajevi, Rijeka|15th International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering|New Challenges in Hemodynamics and Intensive Care Medicine|Konferencija "Profesionalna pitanja i izazovi u fizioterapiji"|4. Kongres hitne medicine s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem|InNerMeD Symposium 2015|The New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2015|CSCM World Congress on CBRNe|Hrvatsko društvo za hitnu medicinu i Hrvatsko sestrinsko društvo hitne medicine - Tečajevi|NOVEM 2015|Tečaj i Simpozij NEONATOLOGIJA 2014|Kick-off event Teaming EPFL & Croatia|6th Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes|CSCM - World Congress (Tbilisi, Georgia)|Sartorius European Workshop|zEEleni FEST|21st EBHL Meeting|15th European ALARA Network Workshop & 5th EUTERP Workshop|European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy (EAFP) Conference|Graduate Course & Summer School - Nanotechnology in Pharmacy & Medicine|Hrvatsko društvo za reanimatologiju - Tečajevi|Kongres Hrvatskog društva obiteljske medicine|Mettler Toledo Rainin Sales Meeting|2nd ADRIATIC SCHOOL OF NANOSCIENCE|Laser International Medical Congress|CBMTS Industry Series|From Solid State to Biophysics|Design Conference|9th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology|World Bank Workshop|International Scientific Symposium on Rudjer Boskovic|Lundbeck Regional Annual Meeting|GS1 Croatia Annual Assembly|Feline Annual Medicine Symposium|Nestle Purina PetCare Seminar|37th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy|6th ICCSM Congress|International Institute for Welding Annual Assembly|57th ICASM Congress|GS1 Advisory Board Meeting|FESPA European Annual Meeting|Simone Congress|20th International Diatom Symposium|FEPE Annual Congress|ISFM Annual Conference|GS1 Global General Assembly|FECAVA 13th European Congress|9th ICNMTA Conference|EXRS Annual Conference|GESCO Annual Meeting|European Symposium in Pediatric Neurosurgery|Hydropower & Dams International Conference|Air Quality International Conference|FEMS Annual Conference|Prospective of Viticulture & Enology in Mediterranean|Intelectual Property European Annual Congress|European Article Numbering Meeting|European Congress on Gastroentherology|European Tourism, Hotel & Catering Union Meeting|Mediterranean Congress on Chemotheraphy|International Conference on Nuclear Structure & Reactions|International Committee for Museums & Art Collections|International Congress on Anthropological Sciences|


Striving towards higher standards

To be able to offer always better service to our clients - our stakeholders - has been involved into significant processes of quality management and Sustainability tourism program - Travelife Engaged. These processes will soon be completed and communicated to the fellow professionals and the public. received Travelife Partner Certificate

Being a small company of self-employed people, we have always been very sensitive towards our impact on people, community and nature. We wish to leave the best possible traces on everyone and everything we touch in our daily business.   After having adopted a code of practice on environment oriented sustainability (EOS Code) as early as possible, we were delighted to take the next step – a Travelife program of sustainable tourism. We have immediately embraced it and gave it the full ...

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Diversification and Specialization of Travel Agencies Is Travel Agency = PCO, DMC, EMC? Generally, travel agencies sell service packages to a whole range of very different clients – from holiday makers to business people. Most meeting industry experts point out that meetings, incentives, events and exhibitions are not tourism business at all, but only use tourism infrastructure. The situation is perfectly clear from the below chart done by Gary Grimmer of GiningEdge: Meeting Industry* ...

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We proudly announce that has been accepted, as the first and only PCO from Croatia and region, to the family of European Federation of PCOs (EFAPCO)! It will surely strengthen our position within meeting industry market and enable us to benefit from the networking and experiences its members share.

Letter of recommendation

SCHOOL OF BASIC SCIENCES - ICMPPHYSICS SECTION - Laboratory for Physics of Complex MatterProf. Dr. Davor Pavuna PH D2-485 – station 3, CH - 1015 LAUSANNE Tel. (direct) : 41.21.693.3301 Email: davor.pavuna@epfl.chTel. secr. : 41.21.693 33.74 Telefax: 41.21-693.44.70   WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : conference organizers in CroatiaLausanne, October 15, 2010   Dear colleagues,It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of reference. Namely, during past 10 years wi ...

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PCO - an insider's viewpoint

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